Artist statement

Lilly Yang is a Taiwanese artist living and working in London, UK. Her work explores notions of physical and mental landscapes, ecology and rituals of healing through intricate processes of making. Natural materials and the elemental energies are often starting points which initiate an unfolding of materiality, mark-making and installations, forms and images awakening through each process. This innate creative force activated through the acts of making allows for the emergence of work which continuously renews and unfolds upon its own line. While physical mediums constitute the core of her work, she often uses digital mediums of film, projections and sound to create the effects of immersion and totality.
Lilly uses her work to find metaphors and point to questions within the complex reality of the Anthropocene; the countless realities which have become entangled and emerged as the post modern world we are collectively attempting to unravel. The ambiguities and complexities of our ecological, political and social realities often can only be pointed to, through symbolism, and abstraction. The intricate and often monochromatic visual language she uses aims to represent the often ungraspable and amorphous nature of an increasingly complex world. She attempts to simultaneously investigate its complexities and to harness the simple and universal.