mountains of
House paint on brown paper, silk and cotton dipped in iron
A seemingly infinite repetition of sleeves. Mountains of sleeves, mountains of clothes..an abundance of waste.
Cut and sewn with traditional tailoring and couture methods.
The sensitivity of these processes transmutes into a meditation on gentleness of working with the materials.
House paint on brown paper, silk and cotton dipped in iron
In the native ritual of sweatlodge, water is poured over hot rocks, the grandmothers, the ancient ones, to create
a chamber of steam. The moment of the water hitting the rocks, a portal opens, into a space of no time where
healing of the collective and individual takes place.
Cotton, house paint, leaves, aluminum sheet
The line between the living and non-living is often overlapping; in the natural world, death and birth is intwined; the gestural shapes of the painted leaves suggests life. The hollow strips of fabric mimic the structure of wind instruments; a structure which is a passage. A passage which is neither life nor non-life.
Cotton, house paint, leaves, aluminum sheet
House paint on brown paper, silk and cotton dipped in iron
When the silk and cotton are dipped in dye, the silk shrinks more than the cotton; creating the effect of the cotton folding in on the silk. Intwined, interconnected. as are all things.
Brown paper, silk and cotton, house paint
Water and wood ash, the remnants of the portal
Cotton canvas, silk and cotton, wood ash, wood ash composite, water