kimchi witches
In collaboration with Semin Hong

The project connects notions of labour, rituals in reciprocity with the land and elements, and construction of the mental and physical home. The post modern landscape of lost homes and identities are explored through the assemblage of “room” and the performative identity is exposed within the ephemeral space. The performance uses the tradition Korean process of kimchi, together with the labour and actions of pinning and cutting fabric. The colour red linking to the Andean notion, of the “river of blood” which has to flow back to the land, in order for its people to in health and abundance. These domesticating actions are transported into the artists’ own fabricated space; transmuted into a ritual offering to the occupied land. The personal mythologies of the artists traverse their blended cultural backgrounds and emerge in a mirroring landscape. The sacred and the lost, the domesticated and undomesticated coalesce into a new tableau.